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Regardless of where you live or work, it seems the pace of our lives is increasingly hectic. I often think we have lost the art of reflection and a desire to stop the carousel long enough to look back and learn from our recent past in order to move forward with intentionality.

Of course in real estate, now is the time of year that we all proudly proclaim our gro$$ sales numbers or rank, or just how amazing the year was. I will never forget a mentor of mine commenting that he did not care how much business I closed because what I was really communicating was how much money I made that year. That comment alone made me stop and evaluate my motivation and yardstick for success.

2021 has been a banner year for real estate in our market for sure. Instead of totalling up my transactions, I decided to focus on the clients and organizations I have the privilege of supporting over the course of my year.

Aspen Education Foundation - Robotics Endowment

Aspen Family Connections - 

YoungLife of the Roaring Fork Valley - Faith and friendship for High School kids

Baylor University - Marketing Department scholarship

Brake the Cycle - clean water in Zambia

Next Gen - clean water in Zambia

Pregnancy Resource Center - support for young moms

The Aspen School District - Finding suitable housing (a total of 26 bedrooms) for ASD staff and teachers

Summit54 - Educational support for kids in our valley

In this process, I have learned that writing a check is often easier than offering time and personal engagement. Predictions for the 2022 real estate market?  While I have my thoughts, I hope to focus on my contributions to our community, not just my portfolio. Join me?

Work With Blake

Blake brings an unusual and compelling mix of expertise and character strengths to Aspen real estate to benefit you and your search for the perfect residential or commercial property.
Contact Blake